Sunday, June 30, 2013

Start of the Monsoon, Yay!!!

It looks like the monsoon started today, it has been so hot and finally the skies opened and poured. It has been several months since we have had any thing besides sunshine.

Here is a sample of what we are eating and canning from our garden, this fall we are doubling the size of our garden.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A lot going on here at the Homestead

Sorry for my lack of post lately, as you all know we had a well put in, it is now 4 months later since he started and 3 days ago he started drilling us a new well, he had the well finished which turned out to be 260 feet deep, we had water and all was good until he broke the pump off in the well, he failed to install a safety line to the pump. Long story made short, he could not get any of it back after several weeks so the new well is being drillled at his expense.

Now for some good news :) Our turkeys have been hatching out and they are doing great!! The garden is growing like a jungle here in the desert lol, Amy has been canning for the last couple of weeks and is doing it again starting tomorrow. She is also going to be making relish and mulberry jelly, yummmm.

Our goats should be having kids at the end of July and our sheep should be having lambs at the end of August. So far knock on wood i have not seen any rattlesnakes around the house yet. Last year at this time i had already killed several Mojave Rattlers. I did catch a friendly little Arizona Glossy Snake he was in our house!!! We also have the biggest horned lizzard i have seen out here living in our garden, he is huge. Looks like a little dinosaur lol.

Here are some pictures of whats happening around the Homestead